Yama-dera is where the well-known haiku poet Matsuo Basho wrote his famous haiku "閑さや岩にしみ入る蝉の声(shizukasa-ya/ iwa-ni-shimi-iru/ semi-no-koe)" in 1689. In 1996, the Ministry of the Environment selected the cicadas of Yama-dera as one of the 100 Soundscapes of Japan.
Rishaku-ji(Yama-dera) is a temple of Tendai sect in Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan.
Matsuo Basho started from Edo on May 16, 1689 (Yayoi 27, Genroku 2) with his student and apprentice Kawai Sora (河合 曾良) on a journey to the Northern Provinces of Honshu, Japan. By the time Basho reached Ogaki, Gifu Prefecture, he had completed the log of his journey. He edited it for three years, writing the final version in 1694 as The Narrow Road to the Interior (奥の細道 Oku no Hosomichi).

Rishaku-ji(Yama-dera) is a temple of Tendai sect in Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan.

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